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Keeping Your White Shoes Clean Just Like New

It's summer, and nothing looks fresher and crisper with your outfits than a clean pair of white shoes. By the same token, dingy shoes showing a bit of grime can drag down your whole look. Just a spot of dirt will spoil the pristine effect of your footwear. White shoes are great when they're new, but how can you extend that fresh, clean look after wearing them only once or twice?
The good news is that whatever the fabric of your white shoes, a little preventive care and thoughtful maintenance will keep them looking their very best. Follow some simple tips, and learn how to keep your white shoes clean and bright all year long.

When it comes to leather shoes, liquid dish detergent is your friend. Mix a little with some water, and rub marks and scuffs. Dry the treated areas immediately, and touch up with white shoe polish. You can also brighten white leather sneakers by making them damp and applying a small dab of toothpaste. Rub in with your fingers, and scrub stains with a toothbrush. Wipe away dirt, and dry with a clean cloth.

White canvas shoes get dirty easily; fortunately, they are quite easy to clean. Many people swear by the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Wet one, and dab at the dirty areas of the shoe. Stains should lift easily. You can also try tossing your canvas shoes in the washing machine. Pre-treat stubborn stains with a paste of baking soda and water. Use an old soft toothbrush for seams and hard-to-reach areas. Place the shoes in a laundry bag or pillow case, and wash in a normal cycle with a half-cup of laundry detergent. Let the shoes air-dry in order to maintain their shape.
Man-made materials
Man-made materials can withstand stronger treatment than their organic cousins. Remove excess dirt from shoes. Mix all-purpose cleaner with hot water, and scrub stains with a brush. Take more care with shoes featuring delicate design or construction.
Take care with suede since its delicate nature demands special treatment. Purchase a suede brush, and use it to erase scuff marks, stains and dirt. Remove water stains by wetting the suede with a very small amount of water, and then sponging it. Allow to air-dry. Prevention is the key to suede shoe maintenance. Apply suede protector when you first purchase the shoes. Use it again after cleaning them.

Don't forget the laces while you're attending to your shoes. Remove laces, and wash by hand in a mixture of liquid dish detergent and warm water. Let air-dry.


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